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Woman's day special

As woman's day approaches closer, print and digital media are buzzing with advertisements to en-cash yet another opportunity to make money. Nothing wrong in it, I agree, in today's times when everything in the end is all about money! I thought of writing about woman's day today but you know what? My heart is completely against it. Why?

I am fed up! I am fed up with the number of crimes against women that come to light with every single day. I am fed up the way we, as society feign ignorance regarding it and pretend as if these atrocious crimes are nothing but rarity. Sadly, the whole issue of crimes against women seems to be sidelined by the typical pitch of good versus bad, analysis of the crime, passing the buck for the willful acts of violence and abuse that reek of male power to subjugate and humiliate as means of self-gratifying perverse pleasure.

Today culture of abuse and violence against women has become so rampant and any woman who dares to stand up for her dignity is crushed in silence by overriding patriarchal system, lack of fast track courts and complete lack of political will to take punitive measures for justice.

I find the culture of "mass protests" (post recent Delhi gang rape case) pretty disturbing as they serve as mere 'feel good factor" in appeasement of our collective conscience. Political intent cannot be imposed upon, by the protests in spite of its great intentions. Any means of protest has to be used appropriately to hold potency to provoke discourse and bring the necessary change. 

So, what message do I have for this woman's day? Well, I don't think women need any particular day assigned to them to celebrate. Personally, for me, each day is a celebration. I am fortunate to have a very privileged life but there are millions out there who are facing tough life and are subjected to some kind of abuse every day. And my wish list for women like them is;

Women are recognized as flesh and blood human beings, with heart that feels. I wish that a woman's spirit that is often invisible gets recognition and respect it deserves.

I wish every woman of this country gets her fundamental constitutional right of equality and education.

I wish that we create policies that help in awareness and bring change in gender issues from grass root level in education.  

I wish that we get real and stop to beat behind the bush. Freedom is not meant for gruesome crimes against women at midnight. A woman's body, mind and soul are her personal spaces and not playgrounds for the perverse.

Wake up women!

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