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Misplaced patriotism !

Since last few days, I have observed something peculiar on Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. There are several posts with anti-Pakistani and Chinese sentiments. I have received some emails and messages having almost similar content; provocative messages loaded with bitterness for these two countries. Whenever some major event occurs, especially political, digital world goes viral with hatred messages/sentiments. 

I am not going to discuss the recent political developments between these two countries and India or delve on political impact of recent events. My concern is the reaction of people which is often presented, labelled and considered as form of patriotism but in reality, is result of lack of understanding of the real situations and grasp of its implications.

We all have to struggle through our conscious every day, in the times when there is thin line between endorsement of violence as entertainment and power of influence. Our conscience is constantly fed by loads of information. Sadly we are not always equipped to know right from wrong. Often, the truth is twisted in circus of media and the real issues are sidelined. 

Why as nation, we let the old wounds still hurt us and fester in our psyche? History is witness to our complex relationship with neighbouring nations that has been fraught with deep pain, anguish of multiple breakdowns of trust, cooperation and will to resolve the issues. The hostility between India and Pakistan is legendary. But in spite of this deplorable legacy, why do we as ordinary citizens let ourselves be influenced blindly by filthy games of political manipulation and breed attitude of hatred and bitterness? There is enough violence happening all around world and we all have suffered tragedies. How can we still nurse malevolence? 

There are no easy answers to age old complex problems between two nations. Agreed, complete lack of political will to resolve issues and blatant criminalization of power is very frustrating for ordinary citizens to tolerate but does spreading hatred help bring any constructive solution? Whom should we blame for this resentment? It is time to check if our responses/reactions are the result of romanticized patriotism that is creation of media and its mindless rhetoric or cupidity of our own politicians who gain from such genre of politics. 

There are ways to address conflicts. Solution to our challenges lies in considering our real issues with candour and addressing them with maturity. How can we forget that with freedom of speech comes the responsibility to use that freedom responsibly?

National pride is a remarkable sentiment but when it is used to malign other race/country/culture, then it loses its very essence. Patriotism is not about temporary titillation of acrimonious acts of rancour. Unless we learn to value the positive energies of life and offer the respect and considerations to differences, we will be condemned to live in the world that is devoid of humanity, the basic ingredient of life. The onus is all the more on educated class, the enlightened minority to do something constructive about it instead of posting messages of hatred and spread negativity. We can't afford to be a proud nation if we are not enlightened too.

"We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race."
-- Kofi Annan

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