"The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind" - Caroline Myss
My friends and relatives have started
complaining (again! phew!) that I have become invisible. Well, I can’t blame
them. Off lately, I have consciously cut off myself from social circuit, more
out of choice than any compulsion. And to tell you the truth, I love the
experience. I hope they understand that I love them all and take it as one of my many
whims that they always laugh at! (I know, I am in for a big trouble, once I am out of this "phase"!)
comes a point in life when one must learn to draw a line and decide whether it is worth consuming everything from the constant high drama of life that
surrounds us. And how much of it one is willing to take or deserves our attention. The constant chaos caused by never ending duties, needs, demands expectations can
become exhausting and mind numbing. I have realized, few things;
1) Our minds control our life.
2) Mind matters and it is important for health and happiness.
3) It is very important to watch out what we feed our minds.
4) One of the greatest gifts is the ability to shun the cerebral noise.
Forgive me if I come across as too philosophical today. These days, I make conscious efforts to be aware of where and how easily my mind gets distracted and the realization is shocking! In fact, my mind intrigues me with getting consumed by things that are not important, relevant or connected to me in anyway and yet it is ticking nonstop! The big dent to the ego that really hurts badly is the knowledge in realizing we are not as smart in minding our own mind as we conveniently presume ourselves to be!
I know, It is time to for some stillness in life and it needs lot of hard work and patience!
I guess, it is time to sit at my favourite Zen corner in our house and meditate. Or perhaps, just sit quietly without doing anything. Anything at all! Or even better, go to Pondicherry, stay there for few days, alone! Is the universe listening? I badly need it, can it make it happen ? Please?
"Silence allows you to watch your mind and become aware of the thoughts that you may be acting on unconsciously. When you see the thoughts, you can make a conscious choice to act on the thought or change your mind, instead of going along with the noise. I have seen people who don't want to look at themselves keep going until something happens that makes them stop — a sickness or an accident — but it gives them that reflective, quiet space where they can face what is difficult in their mind. We each have a unique purpose to fulfill in this life and inklings can come in those quiet moments."
~Swami Radhananda