Recently a facebook friend of mine posted a picture of kitty party; ladies dressed in all red, like "Radhema" (the controversial self proclaimed God woman, who has been in news recently) with her signature golden trishul in hand. The social networking sites are flooded with memes on Radhema off lately. It took me a while to comprehend the fact that popularity of Radhema had reached this new height. This realization actually hit me harder when I overheard a mother cajoling her daughter to participate in fancy dress competition as Radhema!
Religion sells like hot cakes and there are enough buyers lapping it up with perennial insatiety world over. Have you ever tried watching religious channels on television? I would highly recommend watching one and you would be amazed to find instant fix for just under anything and everything under the Sun! God men/ God women sell religion/spirituality, like a brand, packed aptly as per your needs and degree of desperation to be consumed and lo you have instant atonement for all your sins! Don't worry it is available for almost every religion known to human kind.
Before I meander into realm of God men/God women, a fallacious world of misplaced perceptions and tapering insights and its bravado, let me remind my readers, religion/spirituality is not my domain to discuss but self proclaimed God men/ God women baffle me and I simply despise this roaring business of "spirituality".
When rationale ends, business of God men/God women takes over working in a labyrinthine network in an optimal spread across various strata of the society! Think of any problem that is difficult to find solution to and there are always God men/God women to resort to across all categories/classes, subservient to your needs giving carefully crafted dosage. And soon, the God men/God women become the most sought-after commodity!
A few from this breed graduate and become chic "spiritual advisers" courtesy presence of high profile people from politics, business houses and Bollywood who throng their Ashram with desperation of vulnerable minds, eager to be ecstatic hearts, churning out emotions and the God men/ God women gladly oblige them touting, adding immense value to their own brand of "spiritualism". From illiterate people from lower strata of society, dejected middle class to higher echelon of society, following God men /God women offers hope to all and sundry providing great escape from harsh realities of life. We need an anchor, icon or prophet to survive blatant despair caused by intellectual/emotional/spiritual bankruptcy.
The business of God men/God women is a huge small-scale industry, where deceit rules the roost and sometimes helps power and money to dress up crime as righteous! Every other day one hears about new "religious guru" through the convoluted jingoism of faith. Every other day one reads about many controversies accusing God men /God women of sexual abuse, fraud to gross swindling and despite their operations embroiled in controversy the adulation from their inane followers continues! I fail to comprehend the logic behind the hold the God men/ God women have on their cult. My mind is absolutely numbed by such crazy following. Or is it that I don't get it because I am the most dissolute sinner of all time? L
Religion sells like hot cakes and there are enough buyers lapping it up with perennial insatiety world over. Have you ever tried watching religious channels on television? I would highly recommend watching one and you would be amazed to find instant fix for just under anything and everything under the Sun! God men/ God women sell religion/spirituality, like a brand, packed aptly as per your needs and degree of desperation to be consumed and lo you have instant atonement for all your sins! Don't worry it is available for almost every religion known to human kind.
Before I meander into realm of God men/God women, a fallacious world of misplaced perceptions and tapering insights and its bravado, let me remind my readers, religion/spirituality is not my domain to discuss but self proclaimed God men/ God women baffle me and I simply despise this roaring business of "spirituality".
When rationale ends, business of God men/God women takes over working in a labyrinthine network in an optimal spread across various strata of the society! Think of any problem that is difficult to find solution to and there are always God men/God women to resort to across all categories/classes, subservient to your needs giving carefully crafted dosage. And soon, the God men/God women become the most sought-after commodity!
A few from this breed graduate and become chic "spiritual advisers" courtesy presence of high profile people from politics, business houses and Bollywood who throng their Ashram with desperation of vulnerable minds, eager to be ecstatic hearts, churning out emotions and the God men/ God women gladly oblige them touting, adding immense value to their own brand of "spiritualism". From illiterate people from lower strata of society, dejected middle class to higher echelon of society, following God men /God women offers hope to all and sundry providing great escape from harsh realities of life. We need an anchor, icon or prophet to survive blatant despair caused by intellectual/emotional/spiritual bankruptcy.
The business of God men/God women is a huge small-scale industry, where deceit rules the roost and sometimes helps power and money to dress up crime as righteous! Every other day one hears about new "religious guru" through the convoluted jingoism of faith. Every other day one reads about many controversies accusing God men /God women of sexual abuse, fraud to gross swindling and despite their operations embroiled in controversy the adulation from their inane followers continues! I fail to comprehend the logic behind the hold the God men/ God women have on their cult. My mind is absolutely numbed by such crazy following. Or is it that I don't get it because I am the most dissolute sinner of all time? L