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Learning to let go from the sea

Sea, like rain is an addiction for me! I love taking walks on the beach; preferably at the time when there are hardly any people around. And when that happens, I enjoy the quiet dialogue between me and the waves. 

I often go to the sea to calm my mind. Walking bare feet on the wet sand can be a profound experience! With each wave that comes crashing, kissing my feet, all my anxiety, fears, frustrations disappear. 

There are times in everyone's life when we wish to change things we don't have control over. Things that are left unsaid or words we say and regret later, emotions that over power the reason and frustrations brought by its helplessness, people we truly love and care deeply for and the exasperation of coping with their expectations, mind fretting over nagging distractions of deadlines, difficult schedules and unresolved issues at work that do not let you at peace or the constant struggle between the mind and heart! The list is endless. Yeah, sometimes, life becomes too much to deal with. And my walks at the beach always magically help me get myself back together.

It is amazing to witness how the sea never holds on to anything that serves no purpose for it. Each glorious wave that reaches the shore brings something that sea does not need. And it makes me realize what all and how many unnecessary things we hold on to really! The attachments, labels, our roles, perceived identities, beliefs that we continue to be confined to for the sake of comfort of fallacy of security, permanence, stability or sense of belonging. 

The abundance of colours and sounds at sea overwhelms me! Subtly, it compels me to surrender to the present moment, a space of divine emptiness. And in those beautiful moments, there are no compulsions of how life "should be", no conceptual scheme for life, no need for life/circumstances to be "different", no requirement for any change, or fear of losing the control over my life. All the anxiety slowly dissolves with crashing waves. In those meditative moments I am able to let go of everything that I need to and embrace the blissful moments of complete peace. 

"To find best shells one has to walk slowly. When we take a walk along the shore to clear our minds we cannot help but peak down in hopes of finding an unscathed conch shell or colourful piece of sea glass. Life offers us up wonders every day."

How often are we open to life, ready to let go and LIVE, really?   

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